Friday, May 17, 2013

RXTX on RPI, mirror scratch, cases, and GUI

Last night I was able to get my code to work on my Raspberry Pi. I had a little trouble at first, but then I figure out what I needed to do. In order to get the RXTX api to work on the pi with the program I had to include the RXTXcomm.jar in the build path of the project. This way when I exported it as a runnable jar it would be included in the jar. I'm not sure if this next step was necessary, but I did it anyway. I installed the RXTX api on the RPI using this command "sudo apt-get install librxtx-java".

I also cleaned the primary mirror on my telescope last night. It was very dusty, but luckily didn't have too much stuff that wouldn't come off with just soap and water. I did make a small scratch on the mirror though (I'm not happy with myself for it). My screwdriver slipped a little when I was taking the mirror off of the telescope and made about  a 1 inch scratch on the edge. From what I've read, it should be fine, but it will reduce the amount of light I can collect by a small amount. I also had to collminate the telescope when I put it back together. I'm not sure how well it was collminate before, but it should be pretty good now. I'm hoping it is clear tonight so I can test out my work. Hopefully it will make things a lot clearer through my telescope. I will post pictures if I get the chance to take them.

I am going to order some project cases today. I am getting one for the ArduIMU and one for the RPI and two EasyDrivers. Once I get the cases I will start verifying that the ArduIMU is actually giving me good data. I'm expect that to be sometime next week. I'll post the cases I actually get in the parts page once I figure out which ones I'm getting.

I am also starting to work design a GUI for all of this. I have only made a simple drawing on some graph paper so far, but I will post a computer sketch of it when I'm further along. I think I'm going to try to use the WindowBuilder tool found here. I have never used it before, but after a quick google search it is the one I found that is recommended.

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